Saints Alive! 2022  

Our traditional observance of All Saints Day 
will take place this year on Saturday, October 29th at 5:30 p.m.  
Plan to be with us on this evening as we begin the festivities 
with hot dogs, macaroni and cheese and a chili contest!  
Dinner will be followed by our “Parade of Saints” and 
then children’s games and activities centered around the 
Church Triumphant. All are welcome – 
families, couples and single individuals – 
to join us at this time-honored St. Martin’s event!  
Children (and adults!) can come dressed as their 
favorite saints – or just as themselves. 
Registration is needed so that we know how much food to prepare.  
Forms can be found in the back of church or 
you can call the Parish office to register. 
 *Donations of wrapped candy, treats or prizes for the children 
who will be in attendance are greatly needed  – 
preferably before the date of the event  –  
and these donations can be dropped off 
at the Parish Office during the week or 
with the guard in church at any time!*